Unclaimed Money in Georgia: Here’s how to find out if you have.
Georgia residents could have unclaimed funds waiting for them, and all it would take to claim them is filling out an online form. Unclaimed Money in Georgia is a type of unclaimed property, as defined by Georgia’s Department of Revenue. It includes money that remains in uncashed checks, security deposits and overpayments that has gone […]
Treasurer Steven Johnson urges Kansans attend the State Fair to look for unclaimed property.
Topeka, Kansas (WIBW) – The State Treasurer’s Office is offering residents an opportunity to win $529 towards an education savings account at this year’s Kansas State Fair. They may also discover any unclaimed property. Treasurer Steven Johnson, who oversees Kansas’ unclaimed property program, revealed on September 6th that nearly 500 million dollars remains unclaimed property […]
New mexico unclaimed money: New mexico residents owe $340 million in unclaimed money
My sister once sent an urgent email with the subject “Found Money” She explained that, on a whim, she decided to search the internet for databases with lists of individuals owed money due to various circumstances, such as unclaimed money new mexico. Surprisingly and unexpectedly, she discovered an astonishing sum owed from our deceased grandmother’s estate […]
Nevada Unclaimed Money: How to Claim Money Held by Nevada Government
Officials at the State of Nevada estimate they have unclaimed property valued at $950 million that they want residents to claim. They encourage people to search and claim what belongs to them. Search Unclaimed Property to Locate Unclaimed Assets. Nevadans can search their name, maiden name or business or nonprofit’s name free at ClaimItNevada.org. Unclaimed […]
Delaware Unclaimed Property: Money Match Program Returned Over $570,000 to Delaware Taxpayers
Utilizing Technology to Locate Owners of Unclaimed Money Delaware Based on Recent Tax Filings is One of Several Initiatives Underway in the State to Reclaim Unclaimed Assets to Delawareans. Statewide, DE (September 12, 2023) – Delaware Escheator Brenda R. Mayrack announced today that Delaware will implement its annual Money Match Program this week to return lost tax […]
Oregon unclaimed money: Oregonians could soon receive up to $10 Million
Oregon residents should keep an eye out for unclaimed checks of up to $10,000 that may come their way from the Oregon Treasury if they have unclaimed paychecks, security deposits, tax refunds or other unclaimed property in their possession. Last week, Oregon Treasurer Tobias Read announced that his agency would actively return approximately $10 million […]
Arizona unclaimed funds: Arizona currently holds approximately $2 billion in unclaimed funds
Arizona may be holding onto some of your money. Could Your Unknown Check Balance Pay Out to You? When money disappears unexpectedly from a checking or savings account or stock holding, an old uncashed check, or the contents of a safe deposit box, could it belong to someone who has passed on and you claim […]
Billions Are Unclaimed in Tennessee: Here Is an Easy Search Tool
Estimates suggest one out of every ten individuals in Tennessee has unclaimed funds lying unclaimed. Tennessee, USA — $1.1 billion of unclaimed money lies unclaimed across Tennessee right now – it could be yours! Tony Binkley from the Better Business Bureau estimates that approximately one out of every ten unclaimed funds remain unclaimed. These “unclaimed […]
Georgia Unclaimed Money: How to Find Unclaimed Money in Georgia
Once funds have been returned to their rightful owner, they wait to file a claim in order to retrieve it. Many residents may have money awaiting claim in Georgia’s bank that could go unclaimed – yet may not know it exists. This is why it is important to search for georgia unclaimed money online and […]
Kentucky state treasurer returns over $150 Million of unclaimed property
Kentucky State Treasurer Allison Ball announced Monday she has returned over $150 million of unclaimed property back to Kentuckians – more than any previous treasurer in state history. Kentuckians could be missing out on potentially enormous sums of money. Unclaimed property often takes the form of payroll checks, safety deposit boxes, life insurance policies, stocks […]