indiana unclaimed money City To find out if there is any unclaimed money, Attorney General Todd Rokita asks Indiana residents to visit

Rokita urged everyone in Indiana to spend a moment to look for unclaimed assets and money. “Hoosiers have a fantastic opportunity to reclaim what is properly theirs at this time.”

Over $48 million in unclaimed property was returned to its rightful owners by Rokita’s office in 2021. The office has earned more than $26 million only this year.

 money can be recovered in a safe, secure, and easy manner. Use the Indiana Unclaimed Money  database to look up your name.

Rokita advises Hoosiers to follow these guidelines to maintain track of their assets because Indiana is the only state in which the attorney general is responsible for unclaimed property:

indiana unclaimed money,indiana unclaimed money Each Bank Account 

• Maintain a list of each bank account;

· Contact the account holder at least once every three years to show that you are aware of and interested in all accounts;

• Keep track of every stock certificate, and make sure you cash all dividends;

• Keep track of all utility deposits, including those for power, cable, and telephone;

• Quickly cash all checks, no matter how small;

When you move, update all businesses with your new address.

• Tell your loved ones if you have any safe deposit boxes.

The unclaimed money indiana government Property Division of Rokita’s office makes outreach attempts to track down the legitimate owners or heirs of unclaimed property once it is in its care.

After money is reported to the Unclaimed Property Division, individuals and/or corporations have 25 years to claim it.

Find out what you might be missing at or text CLAIM to 46220 to check for your name, family, or business. Over $700 million is still unclaimed.

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