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Are you looking for Arizona unclaimed money? You’re in the right spot! Arizona has over 1 billion dollars worth of unclaimed assets. It is reasonable to assume that some of this wealth belongs to you, given its size.

There are many sources that you can use to determine if you have life insurance, an uncollected paycheck or an old bank account.

Our app will help you find the best way to get your unclaimed assets. UnclaimedMoney makes it easy to start the search for your money.

These are some of the most important facts about AZ laws for finding money

Unclaimed Money Arizona

Every state in America has its own rules for defining unclaimed property. You should familiarize yourself with Arizona’s regulations to ensure you don’t miss your chance to claim your money.

Arizona law allows any asset that has an identifiable owner and is in the custody of the holder for any reason to become unclaimed. This time is known as a “dormancy period” and can last from three to five year for most assets.

In the end, the property is abandoned if the owner cannot be reached during the dormancy period.

Arizona will only hold property for those whose last known Arizona address is within the state. This means that your property will not be transferred to Arizona if you move or fail to update your address after plaFcing your assets with the holder.

Most states do not have a time limit for when you can collect money from the government. Arizona has different rules. You have 35 years to collect your property from government. After that, the state takes full ownership and you lose all rights to it.

The Arizona statute requires that the identity of property owners be kept confidential. This is except for lists published once per year and databases that can be searched. It is therefore difficult for the state of Arizona to locate original owners of assets that have been lost. UnclaimedMoney is the best way to do this search.

What assets can be considered unclaimed money in Arizona?

You should look at all kinds of property when you search for unclaimed funds. You could lose a lot of money and miss out on a chance to improve your financial situation by omitting any one of these.

Below is a list of Arizona’s most commonly held assets, with dormancy periods and the unclaimed cash amounts.

Arizona: Why is there so much lost money?

For many reasons, Arizona funds can go unclaimed. The following are some of the most common cases in which unclaimed funds have been lost:

People often forget about assets or feel ashamed to collect small amounts. People often believe that the process of claiming money is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. UnclaimedMoney can help you get rid of these false beliefs.

How to Search for Arizona Unclaimed Money on Your Own

Arizona maintains a central database that contains information about its unclaimed assets. In partnership with the Arizona Department of Revenue, the MissingMoney platform manages the database.

You can search by either going to MissingMoney directly or visiting the official Arizona Department of Revenue website. This will take you to MissingMoney.

MissingMoney provides a step-by–step guide to the entire process.

  1. Visit the website
  2. Use the Search Box
  3. Enter your name, address, and state/province
  4. Hit Search
  5. Complete the form with all the information required (name, address and Social Security number).
  6. If you meet the eligibility requirements, click Yes, I Can Claim
  7. Complete the State File Inquiry Form
  8. Continue

To prove your identity, ownership or relationship to the owner of the property you wish to claim, you will need to prepare and submit legal documentation. The file will then be sent to the Arizona State Treasury Department.

It is recommended that you search for unclaimed property in other states if you live with relatives. It is possible to search the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators’ (NAUPA), but each state must be searched.

UnclaimedMoney will make the Arizona Unclaimed Money Problems go Away

UnclaimedMoney is the best way to claim your funds. Unclaimedmoney is a better option than other websites which require you to go through a lot of steps, and search every state individually. In just a few clicks, you can claim your missing assets!

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