Banks usually transfer money to the last known address of the account that has been collecting dust, which is typically three to five years. Unclaimed will take you to each state’s website. If you locate a listing under your name, you may request cash by filling out an online form.

Life insurance: Run a search

Do you believe a relative or a relative owned a life policy? Contact the insurer if it isn’t listed on If the insurance company doesn’t list the policy, contact them. For life insurance policies covering pre-Vietnam-era service members and service-disabled veterans, conduct a search at

Help with retirement accounts and pensions

An HR representative can help you connect with your current administrator of your pension or 401(k). To find the contact information for your administrator, please visit

Beware of fraudsters

You can search for your funds yourself, but some businesses will offer to help you recover your money for a percentage of the recovered amount. This is usually between 10 and 20 percent. You should avoid companies that pay you only after you have received your money. Jack Stollsteimer is deputy treasurer for consumer programs at the Pennsylvania Treasury. “That would be a red flag.”

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