Unclaimed Money in Montana: Numerous organizations in the U.S., as well as government departments, currently have billions in unclaimed funds.

More than $58 billion is left unclaimed by federal and state organizations.

You may be entitled to funds you do not even know about. Unclaimed funds can be worth millions. While this may not always be true for everyone, most forgotten cash claims in Montana are worth more than $100.

It’s possible to make a fortune from unclaimed cash, which is easier than you think.

What is Unclaimed Money in Montana?

Unclaimed Money In Montana

Unclaimed money is money owed to you by any business or organization. Unclaimed money could be assets such as wages, inheritance, retirement funds, and any other investment with monetary value.

Montana’s Department of Revenue manages most unclaimed funds. Businesses and organizations have a legal obligation to report any unclaimed property to them after a specified period.

There are many types of unclaimed money.

Each state has its own rules and procedures for unclaimed and lost money. Montana has many types of unclaimed cash:

Type of Unclaimed Property Explanation
Stocks and bonds Also referred to as securities, stocks and bonds are issued to raise capital for companies. Owners of stocks and bonds have different rights
Credit balances A company that issued a credit card to you can owe you money. You can have a credit balance for a few reasons:

  • You overpaid a bill
  • There was a mistake in a previous bill
  • You were eligible for rewards
Insurance proceeds Money that the insurance company paid out for a claim. It’s usually life insurance money that goes unclaimed
Certificates of deposit A certificate of deposit is an agreement with a financial institution. You leave a lump sum untouched for a certain amount of time, and in return, the financial institution pays you a predetermined amount of interest 
Money orders A money order is a payment instruction with a specified amount printed on it
Savings or checking accounts Bank accounts that you closed
Uncashed checks Checks made out to you that you never cashed

Why is money not being claimed?

There are many reasons money is not claimed. These are the most common reasons money is not declared.

  1. You didn’t know the money existed
  2. You forgot all about the money
  3. You believe that the process of claiming and finding money is complex.

You weren’t aware of the money.

Death is often a cause for concern in life insurance, stocks, bonds, or money orders. You have not been informed of any property they left for you.

This could be because you have changed your phone number or residential address. It could also be due to a change in your information.

The Money is What You Forgot

You may have been informed of the unclaimed funds but forgot about them. You might have failed to follow up because the amount seemed small.

You think it is challenging to find and claim the money.

It’s possible that you don’t know where to look for unclaimed funds. Even if Montana has lost money, it can seem overwhelming to locate it and file a claim.

Find Unclaimed Money on Your OWN

You can search for unclaimed funds using some databases. The Montana Department of Revenue requires that the company holding unclaimed money in Montana declare it after a specified time.

These steps can be followed by going to the Montana Department of Revenue site:

  1. Click here to access the transaction portal
  2. Click on “Find Unclaimed Cash”
  3. Click search and enter your details

The database will search for unclaimed cash you have not declared in Montana.

Although you can search for Montana unclaimed money using different databases, there is no guarantee it will work. Each database will require you to log in and enter the information. This can be tedious and time-consuming.

After using a database to locate unclaimed cash in your name, you will need to file a claim. It can be difficult to claim your money because you need to contact the agency or company that holds the funds to prove it is yours.

UnclaimedMoney will do it for you.

UnclaimedMoney is the easiest method to locate unclaimed cash you do not own. The app will search Montana and all other states to find unclaimed assets. These are the quick steps to follow:

  1. Use Open UnclaimedMoney to access your browser
  2. Look out for the Missing Money tab
  3. Enter your details, including middle name and addresses from the past

UnclaimedMoney will search many databases to locate money in your name. This search is not limited to Montana but includes any other states where you might have lived or relatives who may have left the property in the name of UnclaimedMoney.

Our app will file the claim on your behalf if we find any money that is not yours. You can access Claim My Property to assist you in the claim process if the search results show you unclaimed money. Follow the prompts to enter all information.

UnclaimedMoney will confirm your claim submission and keep you informed about its status. UnclaimedMoney Missing Money is the best feature because you can search for property in your name from your smartphone. You don’t need to turn on a computer to access your lost money.

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