If you have unclaimed property in Iowa, there are several resources to help you locate it. Unclaimed property laws cover several categories of property, including cash, bank accounts, and stocks. These are held by the state of Iowa until the owner of the property comes forward and claims it. Often, unclaimed property is deposited in a bank’s safe deposit box, but there are also other ways to locate unclaimed property.
Iowa’s unclaimed money program has made great progress in reuniting thousands of people with their unclaimed property. In fact, the state’s unclaimed property database contains more than $200 million in unclaimed assets. Many of us forget about various kinds of financial assets, like old bank accounts, stocks, and government bonds.
The Great Iowa Treasure Hunt website has comprehensive information about unclaimed property in Iowa. This database allows you to search for lost property and find the owner of it. Whether you’re looking for lost property, or simply for a few bucks, the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt is a great place to start.
Unclaimed property in Iowa is usually held by the State Treasurer’s office. In some cases, the owner or an heir can claim the money. Another option is to hire a service to help you find lost property. These companies help you search for unclaimed property, and they charge a fee when you recover the money.