If you have ever been interested in finding out if you have unclaimed money in Indiana, you are not alone. There are many ways to locate these funds. You can use your last name, a business name, or a property id number to search for them. The state of Indiana has numerous unclaimed money lists that you can search. The following are some of these lists. To begin your search, you need to know where to start. The first step is to search for your state’s official list by name. Then, you’ll need to provide as much information as possible. After you’ve completed this step, you can submit your claim. In some cases, you may also be required to upload supporting documents to submit your claim.
A good place to start your search for unclaimed money is the Indiana Unclaimed Property Division’s database. The office collects unclaimed funds from banks and other financial institutions and compiles them into a database that is accessible to interested members of the public. When searching, you can expect to find information such as the names of the owners, amount, and financial institution that reported it. From there, you can submit a claim to claim your unclaimed money.
Another way to find unclaimed money in Indiana is to check with the state attorney general’s office. The office publishes names of the actual owners of unclaimed property. These lists are published on a county-by-county basis, and any property that was turned over in a year will be published on November 30 of the following year. This process is very time-consuming and requires some research. However, if you’re serious about claiming unclaimed money in Indiana, we recommend you enlist the services of a specialist.