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An estimated one in ten Tennessee residents may have unclaimed funds that remain unclaimed.

Tennessee, USA – Over $1.1 billion of unclaimed funds is sitting unclaimed in Tennessee right now – could that money be yours? To find out, search for “unclaimed money tn” on the TN Unclaimed Property website.

Tony Binkley with the Better Business Bureau estimates that one out of ten have unclaimed funds.

Unclaimed money range in value from just a few bucks up to hundreds; all that remains to claim it is yours to claim.

Tennessee has millions
Tennessee has millions

Where does this money come from?

Each year, Tennessee Treasury receives millions of dollars through overpaid bills, savings or checking account funds, uncashed dividends and other sources.

“That money could come from an old bank account or credit union; or perhaps the government owes you some,” noted Tony Binkley from the Better Business Bureau. Unfortunately, they tried contacting you but got no reply so sent it directly to government for them to hold until you come forward and claim it.

How can you tell if any of this money belongs to you?

Begin by visiting ClaimItTN.gov, entering either your last name, first name, city and state information as required.

If your name has changed over time and no hits appear immediately, try inputting several variations of it as this might increase your odds of finding success.

Yes, this was indeed the case: my funds were listed under my maiden name and old address.

Once you’ve found a suitable match, how can you take control of it?

Free of charge, simply submit your information for verification by the government to verify who you are.

Checking on the status of my claim at any time was easy. Within a week I received my check.

Tony Binkley from the Better Business Bureau advised when going through this process to make sure you remain secure.

“Be sure to explore a website carefully. For maximum protection, ensure the URL contains “https”, starting with https. It adds extra protection.”