Unbeknownst to you, you could have an extra cash reserve just waiting to be discovered by you. If you have ever lived or worked in Indiana, you might be eligible to claim some of the indiana unclaimed funds that the state is holding for its residents.

Here is everything you should know about Indiana:

 Indiana unclaimed funds
Indiana unclaimed funds

What constitutes unclaimed property?

The Attorney General website defines unclaimed property as any asset with no activity for an extended period, such as:

Unclaimed wages or commissions.

Savings and checking accounts both offer great potential savings opportunities for its holders.

Stock dividends, insurance proceeds, underlying shares or customer deposits or overpayments

Certificates of Deposit, Credit Balance Refunds and Money Orders can all be purchased.
Indiana residents can search for unclaimed financial assets – like deposits, overpayments, refunds and insurance proceeds – at. It might also be worthwhile investigating family members or others in your life who might share any potential payouts from unclaimed assets that come their way.

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How much unclaimed money has been distributed this year in Indiana?

According to the site, over $37 million had already been returned to Hoosiers since 2023 began, including claims totaling more than $1 million and average payouts averaging $940. More than $800 million still remained unclaimed at mid-June.

How can I locate unclaimed funds in Indiana?

Search unclaimed money by name or business to see if something’s owed to you.

If you discover anything, if there’s no fee involved in filing a claim online you can submit one right here on the website and once your claim ID number has been issued you can track its status here.

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How long does it take for me to receive unclaimed money?

The Attorney General website advises allowing at least 90 days to process your claim.

How long do I have to claim my money?

According to the state attorney general FAQs, unclaimed property is held for 25 years before becoming part of state assets.

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Can I claim property on behalf of another?

As someone’s legal heir, you can claim assets on behalf of that individual or the business if you possess financial decision-making powers.

Legally, individuals aged 18 or over may file claims. Those younger than 18 can have their parent or guardian file the claim on their behalf.

How can I locate unclaimed property from other states?

If you believe you may have unclaimed assets from other states, visit missingmoney.com to conduct a comprehensive search.

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How can I contact Indiana Unclaimed Property Division?

Email updmail@atg.in.gov (for claims) or updholder@atg.in.gov (for businesses).

Phone: For claims purposes: 1-800-866-462-5246 and for reporting unclaimed property: 1-317-234-9768.

Postal Address of Indiana Attorney General Unclaimed Property Division PO Box 250.